CloseOut Overview

CloseOut provides a comprehensive overview of the CloseOut process, highlighting its benefits and features. It emphasizes the ease and efficiency of item selection, timely assignment of items, seamless project oversight, guided submittal and equipment management, and a comprehensive overview checklist. By following this guide, individuals can streamline the project close-out process, saving time and ensuring a well-organized and efficient workflow.

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Predefined CloseOut Item Selection

The Master Template predefines all necessary and optional CloseOut Items, streamlining the process of selecting CloseOut Items for a project.

Timely and Guided Assignment of CloseOut Items

CloseOut Items are strategically assigned at the appropriate time in accordance with Project Schedule Milestones.

Seamless Project Oversight and Efficiency

The CloseOut Log provides a comprehensive and organized record of all the required items, facilitating efficient tracking and management throughout the project's lifecycle.

Guided Submittal Management, Prepared for Close-Out

The Submittals Module automatically generates required submittal item types for project close-out based on project specifications. The CloseOut module automatically locates and organizes them into the necessary CloseOut items.

Guided Equipment Management, Prepared for Close-Out

Project Equipment is automatically generated with required items based on the project specification CSI codes. The Equipment Wizard aids in the generation of specific pieces of equipment and their required items to streamline commissioning.

Comprehensive Overview Checklist

The Checklist consolidates related items into a summary, offering an executive overview of project close-out health.

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