Upload Files Feature

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to effectively utilizing the Upload Files feature on the Buildflow platform, making it easier for users to manage their project files. By following the outlined instructions, users can streamline the upload process, ensuring that their documents are organized and accessible. Whether you are new to the platform or looking to enhance your file management skills, this guide offers valuable insights that can save time and improve efficiency. Don't miss the opportunity to simplify your workflow and enhance collaboration through effective file uploads.

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How to use the Upload Files Feature

Upload Files

1. Click "Upload Files"

2. Select the main folder where you want to upload your files.

3. Click here.

4. Select the sub-folder to create a new folder or to upload the files to.

Adding a Folder

5. Click "Add Folder"

6. Click the ‘Name’ field. The date is auto generated for organizational purposes, but feel free to rename the folder.

7. Click this field to add in the description for this folder.

8. Click "Submit"

Managed Folder Uploading

Tip! If the folder appears green in the file path, it indicates that it is managed, and our team will handle the Document Management for these files.

9. Click 'Upload'.

10. Click "Update Master Conformed Full Set" and choose your option. If you select yes this will tell our team if these files will supersede the files that are in the conformed full set.

11. Click "Delivery Method" and choose your option

12. Click the "Add instructions for BuildFlow Customer Service for processing this update." field, If needed. This goes to the BuildFlow Support team and will help if you have any special instructions needed to process these files.

13. Click 'Message' field and add in any message you would like to be sent out with the notification of these files to anyone on your distribution list.

14. Click "Edit"

15. Select the company of the contact to whom you want to send the notification.

16. Click the checkbox to add the contact.

17. Click "Next"

18. Click "Choose Files" to upload your files.

19. Make sure all your files have uploaded and the Upload Progress is 100%.

20. Click "Close Upload Files Window"

21. Click "I'm Done Uploading Files" to exit out of the page or if you need to place an order for these file click 'Order'

Unmanaged Folder Uploading

Tip! Any grey folder acts as a Unmanaged folder (The files will live in those folders in their native format).

22. Click "Upload"

23. Click "Browse for Files..."

24. Verify that all the files you selected are in the upload list.

25. Click 'Message' field and add in any message you would like to be sent out with the notification of these files to anyone on your distribution list.

26. Click "Edit"

27. Select the company of the contact to whom you want to send the notification.

28. Click the checkbox to add the contact.

29. Click "Next"

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