Navigating Locations

This guide provides a step-by-step process for navigating a specific online platform efficiently. By following its instructions, users can easily access, manage, and export location data tailored to their needs. It streamlines the workflow, ensuring that users can quickly find and utilize important information without unnecessary confusion. This resource is essential for anyone looking to optimize their use of the platform for data management tasks.

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1. The number beside "Locations" indicates the total count of your Locations.

2. Click the ">" symbol to view the Sub-Level Locations.

3. The total number of floors for each location will be displayed in the "Floors" column.

4. You can adjust the column width by clicking and dragging the "I" symbol to the size you want.

5. You can search within each column by typing your query into the corresponding field.

6. The number next to each name indicates how many sub-level locations it has.

7. Clicking on the location name will open a right-side panel displaying the location’s details.

8. Here, you can view and edit the details of the location.

9. Here, you can view the floors associated with the location and add any new or missing ones.

10. Click "Additional Address Information" to add or edit an Alternative Addresses.

11. Here, you can view, add, and edit any Alternative Addresses.

12. Click "Export >" to export this list to Excel.

13. Click "Back to Administration" to return to the Administration Page.

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