Adding and Removing Employees and Reps

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add employees and reps to a Buildflow account. It includes detailed instructions on navigating the platform and filling out the necessary fields. By following this guide, users can easily add new team members and grant them access to the contact list.

View in Full Window: Adding and Removing Employees and Reps

Adding Employees & Reps

1. Click "Employees & Reps"

Suggested Members

2. Suggested Members are employees that have been added to you account from another clients BuildFlow Account. If they belong to you company please hit "Accept" to give them access to BuildFlow. If they do not belong to your company hit "Reject"

Adding an Employee

3. Click "New Employee"

Tip! Pay attention to any text highlighted in red. These are mandatory fields for proceeding. Additionally, the more information you fill in, the better the data will be for your company.

4. Add in the new employee's name.

5. Enter the new employee's email address.

6. Please review to make sure all details in this section are correct.

Adding a Rep

Tip! A Rep is someone from outside your company that needs the same elevated permissions that an employee from within your company would have.

7. Click "New Rep"

8. Company: Ensure that you enter the company the representative is from. This information is crucial for accurate data.

9. Click here and add in the new Rep's name.

10. Enter the new Rep's email address.

11. Please make sure to change the address to the Rep's company's address.

User Permissions and User Groups

12. If your company has user groups set up, please click which group this employee belongs to.

13. Project Templates: Full access will give the user the ability to create new projects with the preselected project template that are set up in BuildFlow. If you restrict their access they will not be able to create new projects.

14. Archived Projects: If your company has archived projects this will give the user the ability to access archived projects. If you do not want the user to be able to access please choose No Access.

15. Locations: If your company has Locations active this is where you can give the user access to all locations "Full Access" or can lock down that user to only view projects within selected location(s).

16. Company Permissions: This will set the permission for the user at the company level.

17. Project Documents: This sets the default permission for the user for all project documents in BuildFlow.

18. CloseOut Administrator: This is where you can set a user to be the Closeout Admin for all projects if needed.

19. Click "Save"

Filtering Employee's & Reps

20. Click the "Employees" field to see all your employee's in the company.

21. Click the "Reps" field to see all your Reps in the company.

Removing an Employee and Rep

22. Click the Action button.

23. Click "Remove"

24. Click "OK" to remove the user.

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