CloseOut Navigation

CloseOut is highly customizable based on your organization. A BuildFlow CloseOut Professional will work with your company to get started.

  1. Customizable sections within Categories and Items.
  2. Search within all Categories and Items.
  3. Click to resize a column
  4. Search within the column
  5. Filter within the column

Click to move the columns to the left or right and sort. 


  1. This is a list of saved filters. Everyone starts with the BuildFlow Default Filter. 
  2. Clears all active filters.
  3. Saves whatever filters and view options are set at that time. 
  4. Enter a name for the filter. 
  5. Set as the default filter for the CloseOut List.
  6. Click to edit the name of the filter.
  7. If checked anyone from your company will be able to access the filter.
  8. Updates the existing filter. 
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