Frequently Asked Questions

Where should I go to upload files exclusively for printing purposes?

For uploading files exclusively for printing purposes, simply go to the left-hand panel of the project interface and click on "Repro Request Only." From there, you can proceed to upload the desired files. After uploading, you will have the option to select your preferred print and delivery settings. Once you have made your selections, you can proceed to place your order.

Where can I find the latest version of the project drawings and specifications?

You can access the most recent edition of the project drawings and specifications in the Drawings and Specification folder within the project. Document Management is used to maintain the project drawings and specifications by BuildFlow Data Support. This ensures that the most up-to-date versions of the documents are always available.

How do I add users to a project?

To add users to a specific project, navigate to the left-hand panel of the project interface and click on "Project Directory." Next, select "Manage Members" and choose either "Employees and Reps" from your company or users from your company's Contacts list. Alternatively, you can click on an existing company listed in the Project Directory to add users associated with that company.

How can I view the status of an order?

To view the status of your order, navigate to the left-hand panel of the project interface and click on "Project Directory." Next select your company and expand either the Order or File History sections. Click on the Order Id Number to view the full order details. Alternatively, you can click on Order of File History in the left-hand panel of the project interface to view all orders for the project.

What email domain are messages from BuildFlow sent from?

The following email addresses should be added to your safe list:,,

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